Privacy policy

Collection & processing

Almost Naked Athletics AB only collects the data that users themselves provide when contacting, registering contact matters, ordering our services or requesting information. Data is saved for marketing, sales or accounting purposes. Personal data is shared with third parties according to the table below which describes the purpose, processing and which data is saved.

Right of withdrawal

For transparency, you have the right to access your personal data at any time, as well as the right to correct your data or to be forgotten. To handle any of the above matters, contact Almost Anked Athletics AB by email ( with the subject line "GDPR request".


Almost Naked Athletics AB uses different types of cookies to improve the user experience for our visitors. Cookies are small text files that are stored in the visitor's browser and save information about your behavior on our website, such as for example services that have not been ordered or to keep visitors logged in to the website even if they close their browser window so that they do not have to log in again.

We also use cookies to optimize our marketing of our services. You are automatically notified about the use of cookies when you visit the website. If you want to visit our website without saving cookies, you can limit your browser's handling of cookies. You can also delete your cookies on your own computer whenever you want. However, it will limit some of the user experience that we provide today.

Google Analytics and AdWords

Our website uses Google analytics to collect user statistics for the website, the data collected in Google analytics is anonymous where we register which country users surf from which IP address, language settings and browser versions etc. Google analytics then presents the data to us in anonymized form.

AdWords saves a cookie on your computer or other browser device so that we can market the services we think visitors may be interested in. The ads may appear on third parties using the Google Display Network.

Users can at any time withdraw their consent to receive advertisements via the Google Display Network or participate in the statistical tool Analytics. Read more about Google's terms of use for Analytics ( and Google Tag Manager ( /


To market our services to you who have a Facebook account, we use the same type of cookies as with Google AdWords. We also market to similar groups "Pre-Targeting", which means that if your Internet behavior is similar to that of another individual, advertisements will be directed at you with services that we assume suit your interests.

Users can withdraw their consent to be exposed to advertisements from us at any time by managing their settings on Facebook (

Data Protection

You can contact us at any time with questions or access to your personal data. The case will be handled within 72 hours.

If you have any questions about your personal data please contact us at: